john ray

June is officially upon us and with it, the extreme heat struck earlier than normal. I guess Al Gore was right and global warming is going to burn us down. But wait, now there is a shade structure that we can hide under for a while, hurrah.

This month is really busy with two major races coming up and many things to do. I will be the second or third to say we need workers for our IKF Grand National race at the end of the month, no kidding.

I'd like to say a big thanks to all who participated in the Jim Hickerson Memorial Race. Having his family attend and pose with the winners for podium pictures was so special. They really appreciated the event, the sentiments shared and the love shown to them. What a testament to what we can come together to do as a community.

Other than my usual blah-blah, I have a few paragraphs that I hope members will be interested in. It is how our organization came about and the history of karting in our specific area. I hope you read it and appreciate the legacy of what our membership is built upon. Please see the bottom of this email for the "rest of the story."

John Ray, President