It's that time of year again. NTK club membership renewals are due by 2/28/2017. The cost is $395. This year, payment can ONLY be made by cash or check (payable to NTK.) If paying by cash, you must pay at the gatehouse. A link to the renewal form can be found below. If you have any questions about how many work credits you have available to use toward your membership cost, please contact Monica Bradley. If you need some work credits, you still have 3 opportunities to earn some before the deadline. There is a workday scheduled 2/11/2017 from 9am-2pm or work the double header (winter 1 and winter 4) scheduled on 2/18. If you work both, you will receive double credit. Each credit is worth $35.
If you have had any changes to the residents in your household since your last CareFlite application, also submit a new application. The CareFlite fee is included in the $395.
Checks and forms can be mailed to:
Monica Bradley
NTK Membership
10008 Boston Harbor Dr.
Providence Village, Tx. 76227
Download the NTK Membership Renewal Form