Bedding in new brake pads?

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Matt Christman
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:08 pm

Bedding in new brake pads?

Post by Matt Christman »

Hi guys, probably a basic question for all you experienced guys, but I just installed a new rotor and MCP Blue pads on my sons Chonda cart. I know from doing brake jobs on cars there is always a "bedding" procedure for new rotors and pads. I can't find much about carting.

Does anyone have any specific recommendations for MCP Blue pads?

Thank you!
John Ray
NTK President
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Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:47 am

Re: Bedding in new brake pads?

Post by John Ray »

this is the first time I have heard this question asked, and my response would be I have never done anything other than put them right to use. I am not to sure of the friction coefficient of blue pads, I usually use black pads on either a steel rotor or even a cast iron rotor. be sure and report on the efficiency for further data to others as well as myself.
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