North Texas Karters, Inc. adheres to current IKF, Rotax, SKUSA, TAG, Briggs and Stratton and AKRA rules and regulations unless specified herein. Any other organizations regulations will be enforced at those organizations sanctioned events.

NTK 2025 Sprint Competition Rulebook

Printer friendly 2025 NTK Rule Change Highlights

IKF Rules
Rotax Rules
Briggs & Stratton Rules
AKRA Rules

NTK Penalty List

Documents for 2.2.8 Work Points: WORK POINTS: For every 2 Club race event positions worked, a member will receive one (1) free race entry. Unused race works roll over to next season, TO BE USED AS FREE RACE ENTRY ONLY. In addition, each member who works a race event will receive first place plus 30 points for each event worked (up to a maximum of one race per series or 230 points). Driver is eligible for only one work day per series; if a volunteer signs in and the driver is racing, work credit counts even if race points are taken on that day (only one volunteer sign up is allowed per driver per series). Multiple works by the same person in the same class will be counted as just entries. Works will count as race entries for the driver in the series worked, and they will also count for race entries in year-end awards. Worker substitutes are allowed. Each worker is responsible for signing the work sheet at each event AT REGISTRATION. It must be determined AT REGISTRATION whether the driver is taking work points or race points. No work points will be awarded to members whose name does not appear on the work sheet. Each racer is also responsible for announcing at registration that he is taking his free race. Racer may claim only one set of work points per class at any event. Worker may designate a race in the future to apply work points to. The future designated race must be within the same series e.g. spring, summer or fall and must be designated at the time of registering for work. However, work points can be “banked” for use at a future race in the same series (or first race of next series of the current race season) with the understanding those points will be declared before the start of the given race. Racer may still race in the future race but work points will count, not race points. Changes to designate a different race further in the future are allowed before registering for the previously designated race. Changes to work points for the race that day to a future race must be declared before qualifying and must be approved by the President or Vice president of NTK, the form for such changes are available in the registration office. No monies will be taken from NTK general fund for awards for unpaid entries. If driver is disqualified for any reason in any heat, he cannot use work points for this race event. If you assign work points to the last race of the series or are signed up to work the last race prior to race day and that race cancels, your work points will automatically be applied to the lowest, non DQ race in the series.

  #1 - Declaration Banked Race Points (59K PDF)

This document will be used when a determination has been made of the date you elect to use the banked race points within a series. Can not be used for a previous race or after a qualifying attempt has occurred on a given race day
You signed up to work a race and declared at sign up that you wanted to Bank your race points to a later time that you can determine within the series that you worked. If you worked Spring 2 and declared you wanted to "bank" the race points, As long as this document is filled out prior to Spring 3 and you have not made a qualifying attempt in Spring 3 you ca request that the race points document when you have determined which race date you want. IF you wanted spring 5 then as long as this document is filled out prior to Spring 5 and you have not made a qualifying attempt in Spring 5 you can request that the race points be applied to Spring 5.
This document must be supplied to NTK president or Vice president to be approved, Race Director can not approve this document.

After signature ensure the current Race Director or Scoring Chairperson is supplied with the signed document.

This document will be used when a determination has been made to change the date of a previous declared date that has not occurred to a different date than previously selected in which the previously selected date has not recurred. Can not be used for a previous race or after a qualifying attempt has recurred on a given race day.


You selected spring 5 when you signed up to work a race, it is now Spring 3 and something has changed in which you can not make the race. Then fill out "Declaration Changing Race Points" prior to Spring 3 and you have not made a qualifying attempt in Spring 3 you can request that the race points is filled out prior to Spring 3 and you have not made a qualifying attempt in Spring 3 you can request that the race points be moved from Spring 5 (original request) to Spring 3 (the new request). This document must be supplied to NTK president or Vice president to be approved.Race Director can not approve this document.

After signature ensure the current Race Director or Scoring Chairperson is supplied with the signed document.

  #3 - NTK 2016 Worker Sheet (55K PDF)

This document will be printed out in the registration area for volunteers to finalize their choices when working a race. 

Worker - Fill in your name
Credit who? - who who are working for
Kart # - kart number
Class - full class name

Then choose what you want.

  • Race work credit - no race points, two race work credits give you a free race
  • Race Points y/n - if you want race points that day, another selected day or banked mark this "Y"
  • Race points date - fill that that days date or race name or fill in the date of the later selected race or the date of the later selected race (within that series)
  • Race points banked - if you want to bank race points with no date in mind when you will use it mark that "Y"

2024 Class Champs

Kid Kart  Trevor Knight
KA100 Jr Matthew Dukette
KA100 Sr Alex Pope
KA199 Masters   Darren Cooper
TAG Sr Haley Knox
LO206 Jr 1 Tanner Barsch
LO206 Jr 2 Emmett Eddolls
LO206 Sr Adi Bamroo
LO206 Heavy

Mikayla Bradley

Day Race Schedule

Day Races
9:00am Registration Opens
10:00am Controlled Practice
12:30pm Drivers Meeting

1:00 pm Racing Starts

Upcoming Events